Video VR For Android

BigGong - YouTube now has presented two new feature, which is intended for Android, the use of virtual reality video page. You can access YouTube videos using VR, which is a format that gives a 360-degree perspective of the film more realistic.

YouTube said that there are around a dozen videos VR, like the movie "Hunger Games". From now on, the virtual reality content creators are able to upload videos VR compatible with Cardboard viewer directly to YouTube.

To use this feature, you can search for videos virtual reality on YouTube application, then click the button on the video for the option (mode) VR, and place the phone on the device "Cardboard" belongs Alphabet Inc., the gadget hand made from material standards that give experience enjoy pictures with VR.

YouTube also announced a second new feature, which is now you can watch extensive video library with virtual reality experience that is more limited, which also use Cardboard. According to YouTube, the videos will resemble screen IMAX theaters.

Cardboard YouTube application technology is now available for Android. As for the iOS version will soon be released for the foreseeable future